Tuesday 17 September 2013

It's September and we're working hard.

We've been busy with the Dubliners and could very well have sold out the O2 with our performance at last weeks assembly. The boys learned about the band and sang the classic ballad Dirty Old Town. Learning was also integrated with our art as we made an awesome set of guitars to accompany our performance!

Below is a link with the song and lyrics for you all to sing along to at home!

 We've also covered a great deal in History. The images below are of our class project based on The Great Famine. Key areas of study included:

  • Ireland in the 19th Century
  • The potato crop and the blight
  • Emigration
  • Landlords and farming
  • Under the Hawthorn Tree by Marita Conlon McKenna
Our Class Project

Letters written to family abroad telling of the famine at home.

Describing pictures


Key words

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